Harvard College “Why Six Feet?”

August 24, 2020
Why Six Feet Series

The “Why Six Feet?” series features members of the Harvard community discussing various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the steps that all of us can take to stay healthy.

  • Intro - Dr. Mark Fishman, Professor in the Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology introduces the “Why Six Feet?” series. This series features members of the Harvard community discussing various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the steps that all of us can take to stay healthy.
  • Part one - Harvard College student Liz Hoveland ’22 interviews Dr. Pardis Sabeti, Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the Chan School of Public Health. Among the topics covered were her experience with Harvard’s adaptation to the outbreak of mumps, and Harvard’s preparedness for the current pandemic.
  • Part two - Harvard College student Rick Li ’21 interviews Dr. Michael Springer, Associate Professor of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. They discuss how COVID-19 is transmitted, and what steps all of us can take to minimize the chances of transmission; why it is important that we stay six feet apart; the challenges that a virus with many asymptomatic patients presents; and the accuracy of COVID-19 testing.
  • Part three - Danoff Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana interviews Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. They discussed the challenges of opening a residential college campus during a pandemic, what everyone can do to help meet those challenges, and the importance of high cadence testing.